Everyone around seems so happy, You think life's good.
Deep down under boggling in the pool of thoughts
A voice reverberates, asking you "Have you hit all your shots?"
To the world's surprise am not happy and I don't want to be
For the gloom always sustaining near me, Life's a lock without any key.
The gasping audience are constrained to think "Is this the dilemma on screwing his GPA?"
I am afraid that's wrong! Okay so may be he's caught in the wrong branch?
This time they're close but still not close enough
Running alone in this career-hunt has always been so tough.
True, I chose to be what I am, For that lies a simple reason
I proved something which made my parents proud of their son.

All in these lazy days, The breeze seems so fine
Moment you see kids shouting MBA, Everything in your head goes out of the line.
There isn't any drama, There isn't any emotion
The monotonous life has rather remained restrained from motion.
I don't want to fight, I don't want to fly
Like every other freak, for a mere invention of 20th century I don't ever wish to cry.
All i want to do is zing out of this tacky web
Somewhere out of the box, Somewhere into the wild.
It's like finding solace, Unlocking your imagination
It's a dreamer's paradise, Where beauty scintillates beckoning fascination.
Drizzling the expression, Happiness redefines fashion
So long deluged in world's illusion, With eyes closed I saw my passion.
The attraction is fatal, Hopes are mild
All I want to do is run .... into the wild.
P.S. -> The invention of 20th century refers to - 'career' , in this poem.
This is dedicated to one in 100 engineering students who have the same situation as mine.
nice dude
accha likahte ho
and ha tumane sahi likha
same situation with msot of the enginners.
you can see my blog at this address:-
nice one..!!
Dude u copied my thought...
awesome man!
u write well man..keep going
(an IT engineer)
Ur thoughts were in line with mine,It was a very different kind of writing that i experienced.I would like to call it "Modern Personal poetry"...It was good....
good to know that there are many more, many many many more like me..!!
well written, keep it up!! keep shining!!
Thank You so much guys, this one is truly one of my fav.
good work keep it up
man ur lines are really in sync wit wat v go..
even m an engineering student n i agree completely dude..
good job buddy,!
keep bloggin :)
do check out this post of mine..
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